Faith ● Creativity ● Community

Our Journey


A group of 5 friends coming together to fill a gap missing in the community to give back to the next generation of girls. To offer them training skills and confidence aligned with their faith values and develop them through creative skills.


Using different spaces around Newport we grew with a group of young girls regularly coming to our sessions. Tailored bespoke nurturing faith and relationships.

2020 - 2021

A year of uncertainty, pause, covid meant we had to operate differently and not being able to connect gave us innovative ideas to post faith related create craft packs for our attendees

2022 - 2023

Developed relationships with other communities, new projects such as art club, trips to connect with nature, nurturing faith through art and outdoors.


Developing volunteers confidence and skills as-well as delivering regular sessions on Qur'an journalling a new initiative to connect to faith and sharing tools to implement healthy behaviours for a healthy wellbeing.

The Future
  • Developing a sustainable project on looking after the environment
  • Expand volunteers and Employ staff
  • Create a secure safe space
  • Expand delivery of services outside Newport near South Wales and regions
  • Collaboration with organisations